
The Pipercross air filters for your car are oil-free, washable and reusable. In addition to the increased air flow, our air filters have many advantages compared to paper filters:

Washable and reusable

Pipercross air filters consist of a special, multi-layer filter foam with different pore sizes (from coarse to fine). This three-layer foam is very easy to clean. The air filter is no longer disposed of, which saves waste and is sustainable .

oil-free air filters

Pipercross air filters are unoiled and do not need to be oiled. The advantage is that no oil vapors contaminate or damage the car's mass air flow sensor. A dirty or defective mass air flow sensor would return incorrect values, resulting in a noticeable loss of engine power.

Increased air flow

Compared to standard paper air filters, our Pipercross air filters offer 30% to 40% more air flow. This is particularly noticeable in high-performance cars when the engine needs to be supplied with sufficient oxygen.

No TÜV registration necessary

Replacing the original paper air filter with a Pipercross air filter is usually not only quick and easy, but also legal. Pipercross air filters can be installed in the car and do not require registration, approval or special authorization.

Easy maintenance / cleaning

A Pipercross filter has no oil residue and after cleaning it has 100% of its original performance. Cleaning is quick and easy. We show you how and when a Pipercross air filter needs to be cleaned. here .

Our Pipercross Service Promise

We at Pipercross Germany are confident in our products. Our service begins with good advice before you buy. If something isn't right after you buy our products, we'll find the right solution. We give this service promise even after the normal warranty has expired and even with high mileage.

Type: Panel Filter
Length: 244 mm
Width: 223 mm
Shipping weight: 0.40 kg
Item weight: 0.39 kg
Packaging (length × width × height): 42.50 × 25.00 × 5.00 cm

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Wir weisen außerdem explizit darauf hin, dass keines unserer zum Verkauf angebotenen Produkte, originale Fahrzeugteile der Fahrzeughersteller BMW AG, M GmbH, MINI, VAG oder von sonstigen Fahrzeughersteller sind, außer dies ist ausdrücklich so vermerkt. Das Benennen der Fahrzeug Marken und Modelle dient lediglich der Produktfindung und deren Zuordnung zum passenden Fahrzeugtyp.

    J+A Handels GmbH

    Homburger Str. 12b
    51588 Nümbrecht
    E-Mail: team@ja-handel.de